Thursday, July 16, 2009

Tour thus far by jubert

So far tour has been mediocore at best. There are two ryan saars in ohio but they aren't as cool and look easier to beat up. Tour is really fun. I'm not even joking. Yesterday we got to play the kentucky county fair so that was interesting. Free pizza is always cool. Yesterday I made this peanut butter triscuit and pretzel sandwitch on a hot dog bun and nick said it was gross. I bet somone else wrote about this but nick peed himself because he was about to go in the ocean. In his defense he probably tour challenged himself to do so.nick also likes to leave wet underwear and socks on door handles and other places where people need to put their hands We played all our songs with no stops. Joe coffee played for too long. They are ex sheer terror. There is a sick picture on my camera with jeremy and the sheer terror dude. We are making a lot of money which is good because my parents told me that they aren't going to pay for my college. Duress is awesome fuck the haters. I had to change my bass strings for the first time in forever. I met the guy who moshed with bricks at the last 86 mentality show. He was always somone that I looked up to. I met my hero and he didn't dissapoint. No one here likes trapped under ice as much as me. What a bunch of pansies. So far I have not showered, shaved, changed my clothes, or eaten all tour. If it looked like when I left I brought a backoack full of clothes bthis is false. I mostly brought condoms and lube. It is a different time here than all my friends back home. Sometimes I forget where we are playing but does it even matter? As long as we are selling shirts and lps and patches I have a reason to play. There has been talk of a tshirt launcher for our coming home show in dc. I want water guns shooting into the crowd. Ans and coke bust show sometime get stoked dayron soul. I still have canadian money. Fuck evrything. Sincerly. Daniel frederick jubert
Sent on the Now Network? from my Sprint® BlackBerry

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